
project sample photos

Andreas Flache ph: 510 845 4129

Andreas Flache     ph: 510 845 4129

client testimonial 2013:

After several moves around the country, to towns where the locals take their gardens very seriously, we settled into the “leafy burb” of Alamo, CA.  Upon first visit, Mr. Flache’s vision started to take hold.  The goal of the collaborative process:  convert a scrappy backyard and 1950’s pool area into a unique extension of our daily living space.   The result:  a series of tailored environments, each providing a totally unique experience.  

In all things worth undertaking, details matter.  In our case, it was the seemingly insignificant items that made the difference between a functional yard, and a garden with which the family can grow.  Mr. Flache’s vision gave us the latter, and we love it more every day. Douglas B. B.  Executive Vice President, Western Region
